Peer Support Scheme
Peer Support Scheme
Please complete this form. Thank you.
Consent Statement
Your Details
Thank you for contacting the Discrimination Peer Support Scheme at NTSU.
Before supporting you, could we please ask that you complete this booking form which does require you to submit some personal details. We are legally obliged to tell you how we gather this data, what we will use it for and how we will store it. Please read the information regarding this below then check the box to acknowledge that you understand and consent to us using your data in this way.
• I understand that the Peer Support Scheme (referred to as ‘PSS’) have a legal and legitimate interest to collect and process my personal data in order to provide me with support and I consent to this.
• I understand that PSS will use my personal data to create a case file regarding my query on a secure case management system that only the staff within the Information and Advice Service and the Peer Support Coordinator can access. This will allow these staff members to enter notes about my query and the information that I have been provided.
• In addition to this, I authorise the PSS to act on my behalf and I give consent for both the PSS and third-party organisations to disclose information relating to my query to each other where necessary to progress and address my query.
• I understand that my case may be reviewed as part of quality assurance auditing. I also understand that under the Data Processing Legislation, I have the right to access information held about me. I understand that I can do this by submitting a data access request at any time by writing to the Manager at the Information and Advice Service (under which the PSS sits), stating exactly what I require.
• I understand that I can access the NTSU Privacy Policy on their website and that I can also request a copy of the IAS policies relating to Confidentiality and File Storage from any adviser at IAS or from the Peer Support Coordinator.
• I understand that the PSS will store my case details for 7 years and then they will destroy these without referring back to me.
I declare that I understand and consent to the Peer Support Scheme using my data as explained to me above.